Wednesday, February 27, 2013

A Visit on Maui with Dick B. and Ken B. for A.A. History Brainstorming

We were delighted two days ago to receive a phone call from a certified Internal Medicine physician from Alaska who came to the Big Island for vacation. He is a Christian who has a deep understanding of medical and other aspects of alcoholism and addiction--particularly addiction. He has a host of ideas about how to work up a number of effective housing, treatment, and medical assistance facilities which are founded on Christian Recovery ideas--both in Alaska and in Maui.

Now we have an office at the County of Maui Salvation Army facility, where we do films, studies, interviews, meetings, and assessments. Because of the generosity of Sally, this office is provided free. And more and more we meet with people in the Islands and who are visiting the Islands; show great promise of being effective Christian recovery leaders, effective participants in International Christian Recovery Coalition; and want to assist us as reporters and content providers helping to define and disseminate the role that God, His Son Jesus Christ, and the Bible played in the origins, history, founding, original Christian A.A. Fellowship program of 1935 and its successes. And can play today.

In their realm of expertise, outreach, and experience.

Why this brief article? We would like those who are attracted to the Hawaiian Islands for residence, business, golf, vacations, cruises, scenery, and recreation to feel free to contact us and arrange to meet with us here on Maui in our well stocked AA history and Christian recovery resources. And brainstorm. We realized after yesterday that this is far more likely, far more practical, and far more feasible economically than traveling to the many spots on the Mainland and in other countries who want us to come there for conferences, summits, seminars, and personal networking.

We want to hear their story. We want to hear what they are doing in the Christian recovery field. We want to know what their Christian recovery work plans and visions are. We want to hear their needs, their wish lists, and their questions. Then we enjoy their company, "train the trainers," and are blessed by the visit. It has been happening for a good many years now.

In His Service, Dick B. 808 874 4876;

PS: Just so you know the scope of the previous visits to Maui, we have had leaders from Minnesota, Pennsylvania, Nevada, Arizona, Kaui, Oahu, the Island of Hawaii, the East Coast, Canada, Mexico, Washington, and some other areas.

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