A letter I just wrote:
Well said, J.B.
The proliferation of “higher powers” that can be a light bulb, a tree, the
Big Dipper, Ralph, Something, Someone, a radiator leaves a newcomer–particularly
a Christian one–baffled given his confused, bewildered, gullible, and fearful
state. So too nonsense gods. So too “spiritual but not religious” experessions.
So too “choose your own conception of “a” god–not God.
The International Christian Recovery Coalition is a growing world-wide
fellowship of participants who don’t expect to expel “higher powers.” They
expect and plan and intend to emphasize the role that God, His Son Jesus Christ,
and the Bible played in the origins, history, founding, original Christian
Fellowship program, and its successes. And can play today.
If someone wants to pray to a tree, a rock, or a lightbulb, I feel sorry for
them as Dr. Bob did when he said “Your Heavenly Father will never let you down!”
But one should start that journey with Hebrews 11:6 and John 3:16.
See Dick B., “God and Alcoholism: The Growing Opportunity in the 21st
Century” http://www.dickb.com/godandalcoholism.shtml.
In His Service, Dick B., Writer, Historian, Retired attorney, Bible student,
CDAAC, and active recovered AA member. Published 43 books and over 850 articles
on tthe history of Alcoholics Anonymous and the Christian Recovery